Basking Ridge NJ Archives - Anne Molnar Photography Tue, 04 Apr 2017 21:32:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 114189162 You’re Engaged! Now What? The First Three Things to Do after He Pops the Question Fri, 24 Feb 2017 17:16:45 +0000 Your New Bride Guide to Being Engaged It’s FINALLY happened. All your dreams as a little girl have become a reality. YOUR reality and it’s your unique love story. You went out on your storybook date and whether it was a perfect surprise, or with a couple hiccups along the way, [...]

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Your New Bride Guide to Being Engaged

It’s FINALLY happened. All your dreams as a little girl have become a reality. YOUR reality and it’s your unique love story. You went out on your storybook date and whether it was a perfect surprise, or with a couple hiccups along the way, he got down on one knee and asked you to marry him. You, of course, said “YES!”

You’re probably bombarded with every emotion from excitement and joy to (let’s just name it right here) a tad of anxiety as to all that lies ahead. Having been in your shoes not too long ago, I want to take you on a figurative coffee date and share my advice with you as a new fiancé!


Tip #1 Be Engaged!

First things first, let yourself BE engaged. I’m literally saying ENGAGE with yourself, friends, family and the world around you. Let’s not get ahead of the fact that what really just happened is that the love of your life has just proposed the idea that the two of you journey through the rest of life together. This is a BIG deal and it’s normal to feel every emotion possible – let yourself! And try to keep your thoughts centered on the simple, true facts. It’s so easy (especially nowadays) to get distracted by all the pomp and circumstance an social media surrounding the “idea” of a proposal and wedding… the planning, the parties, the dress – of course we want an incredible day to remember, but let’s truly remember what this all comes down to: a promise.

How frilly can a promise get? It’s a simple truth, a fact, witnessed by many people and it inspires the masses in a renewal of hope, love and commitment. I remember catching myself for a moment after Joe proposed thinking, wait, I didn’t do it right. I didn’t cry as he was bending down, I didn’t squeal in excitement when he asked, or throw myself into his arms while hearing an escalation of dramatic instrumental music rising in the background. (yea, sometimes I get a little theatrical) But you know what? I was peaceful. I was grounded. I was thankful. It wasn’t your typical movie scene, but it was real life. As quickly as the thought came I had to let it leave me, stop comparing and remind myself of the perfection of this moment, right now.

So my advice for those first days of being engaged… live it, engage with it. Enjoy every moment, be present and thankful for the new direction your life is taking. Talk to people, share your story, invite people into your joy.


Tip #2 Wait Two Weeks Before Planning*

Unless you are aiming to get married within six months of his proposal, it’s unlikely you have to make decisions right away. Take those initial two weeks to just enjoy this new phase in your life and start brewing some ideas in your mind about how you envision your wedding day without jumping in full force. Give yourself some time before over stimulating your mind with research and decisions (believe me, you will thank yourself later).

You may have noticed the asterisks. That’s because this rule is relative and one needs to know thyself to determine the extent to which one implements it. For example, Joe and I didn’t plan too much in the first month (we are more type B, and also talked a lot about our expectations before diving in), but we did have one requirement: the church. We knew this was our top priority and we knew the church we wanted, the rest of the decisions would follow. So, within that week, we called the church office and asked what dates and times they had available in May and June (the months we were aiming for). We sat on the information for a couple days (since there were many options) and then booked the best date for our schedule.

So, my second tip is (as much as prudently possible) try to postpone decision making for two weeks after your engagement, unless there is a component you both believe is non-negotiable and, therefore, unnecessary to delay in addressing.


Tip #3 Keep it simple

My final tip for newly engaged couples is an organizational one. It is inevitable that the tasks and details will add up – anticipate it. “Little things” become big things and all of it takes time, one of our hottest commodities. Do yourself a favor and Keep. It. Simple. Seriously. Decide on 1. Your “theme,” whether it’s certain colors, ideas, or objects, etc. And 2. Your target budget. All decisions along the way should be weighed against your theme and budget, so no matter how much you love the gold foil, embossed, double thick art deco wedding invitations, if you’re planning a rustic wedding it just can’t happen. Don’t even pin it to your Pinterest board! You will suffocate yourself in “ideas” before you ever actually make a decision! Before considering anything seriously, ask yourself, “Does it fit with the theme and budget?”

Another bonus tip worth mentioning in this “keep it simple” category is to recognize that people will always have an opinion on your choices. Stick to your gut and never let a friend or family member’s opinion come between you and your fiancé. EVER.


I hope this overview helps lend some insight on the beginning of this exciting new phase in your life! Being engaged is a special and comparatively quick time in your relationship. Don’t let it pass by too quickly, and keep your eyes on the true prize, your promise to each other. Once the dust settles and you’re on the other side as husband and wife, you will look back over this time nostalgically. I hope you will say you would do it all the same again.

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VALINE & CHRIS | Skylands Manor, Ringwood NJ {Engagement Photography} Fri, 11 Nov 2016 17:46:52 +0000 VALINE & CHRIS Engaged  |  Skylands Manor, Ringwood, NJ Everything about this couple makes me joyful. Their love for each other, their love for God and the world, how we all met... it's all just wonderful. I first met Valine in Italy, crazily enough, and I remember sharing stories about our lives, relationships and family [...]

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Engaged  |  Skylands Manor, Ringwood, NJ

Everything about this couple makes me joyful. Their love for each other, their love for God and the world, how we all met… it’s all just wonderful. I first met Valine in Italy, crazily enough, and I remember sharing stories about our lives, relationships and family with each other as we walked to different churches and ruins each day learning about art, culture and history. We enlightened and challenged each other with our views on love, marriage and the world, and along with our other brilliant and animated roommate, Ali, we traveled to Florence, Naples, Sorrento and Capri in our spare time. It was one of the best experiences of my life.

Life took us in different directions over the next four years, but, as old friends do, we picked up right where we left off without missing a beat. And this time, I met Chris. Handsome, charming, funning, patient, kind, smart – he was the perfect pair for Valine. He told me about all of his preparation to propose to Valine and, or course, how there was one little unforeseen hitch… that it was Nurse’s Week and Valine was being honored at the hospital. After a few tweaks to the plan, Chris and Valine went to the hospital event (which always runs longer than usual). By the time they were able to leave, Chris’ jitters were nearing their excitement breaking point. He was coordinating with friends setting up the details and lighting, photographers, and racing the clock to make it before sunset and before their permit time was expired, yet he stayed calm, cool and collected the whole time! As most girlfriends do, Valine began to notice the extra few texts and slightly more structured date night plan, but she wasn’t expecting the proposal. Finally, under the stars and twinkle lights, Chris got down on his knee and asked Valine to marry him. I am so ecstatic for these two and I am in awe of how perfect life’s journey will unfold when you are open, trusting and joyful. Valine and Chris are beautiful witnesses to love, inside and out and I can’t wait for their amazing wedding day when they will officially be husband and wife!!


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BETH & STEVE | Ross Farm, Basking Ridge, NJ {Engagement Photography} Mon, 24 Oct 2016 22:24:00 +0000 BETH & STEVE Engaged  |  Ross Farm, Basking Ridge, NJ I think it's always a big sister's hope that her younger sister will find a boy who respects and loves her beyond understanding; who will give her the world and upholds her with the dignity she deserves. I remember thinking about who would be [...]

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Engaged  |  Ross Farm, Basking Ridge, NJ

I think it’s always a big sister’s hope that her younger sister will find a boy who respects and loves her beyond understanding; who will give her the world and upholds her with the dignity she deserves. I remember thinking about who would be a great compliment for Beth, if there was anyone that could fit this description and that I knew of, and who was single. Suddenly, the light bulb. I recalled a blonde, athletic, good-looking and funny guy from Joe’s and my friends circle. Steve. The problem – we weren’t directly friends with him and I didn’t have his number! I stored this idea in the back of my mind until I could take further action.

Fast forward another year and the same conversation is happening between other friends. They are sitting in a circle chatting about this blonde, bubbly, good-looking girl that would be perfect for Steve. It’s Beth. Luckily, this time, they have her number. They give it to Steve, who initiates a “blind” conversation.

 Their relationship may have been a twinkle in everyone’s eyes before they knew it, but once they started getting to know each other it was clear this was the beginning of something much deeper. After a couple months texting and going out, they took their relationship to the next step, and officially began dating.  Just shy of two years later, Steve planned to pop the question. He decided to surprise her during a date day that was relatively common for them. He took her for a hike in the mountains here his brother and I were already waiting to take photos and video of the proposal.

His brother and I arrived early to get further up the trail and find a good place to find. We started to get worried because it was March and there still weren’t leaves on the trees to hide behind, and we got a text saying they were five minutes away! Quickly, I climbed on top of massive pile of boulders in an effort to hide.  Steve’s brother wasn’t as fortunate and had to shimmy his way between the rocks to get out of their view fast enough. Beth and Steve continued to walk down the trail until Steve saw me pop my head out and he veered off the pathway. They settled on some logs to look over the cliff at the view of the lake below. After a few heart-pounding moments where I thought Beth saw my foot, Steve got down on one-knee and asked her to marry him. His brother and I let out a sigh of relief that we didn’t ruin the surprise and started videoing and clicking away while Beth and Steve were hugging it out through her tears and laughter. Finally, we crawled out of our hiding spots to finish the surprise and headed back home for a celebration with friends and family.

These two are perfect for each other. I couldn’t be happier for Beth and more excited about the man she gets to marry. Steve infuses so much energy wherever he goes and he is always making everyone laugh. Not only do they compliment each other well, but they understand the value and significance of marriage and the responsibility they are entering into together. I had so much fun with these two celebrating their engagement through photography, and I hope that you feel enveloped by the moments of raw emotion and love between them. Enjoy!

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