Home|Anne Molnar Photography

About Anne Molnar Photography

What first attracted me to photographing weddings is still the same inspiration that defines the mission of my work today – to witness the divine power that comes from a husband and wife choosing to become one, and live out one life, one love, one mission together. Each wedding is a profession of love between the bride and groom, and it brings me immense joy to witness to this love through the photos I create that tell each unique story. My favorite images are the ones that capture an emotion in time; a kiss on the forehead, a smile crinkling her nose, tears in a father’s eyes, or a hug from mom. My goal is to blend with the wedding, so that each couple is present to each other and the blessings of the day.


By |2018-09-04T01:21:50+00:00September 26th, 2017|Weddings|

LIZ & CRAIG Married  |  Mayfair Farms, West Orange, NJ Today I am thrilled to finally share Liz and Craig's wedding! These two wed on one of the most perfect days in August and celebrated with a beautifully intimate ceremony and spirited reception at Mayfair Farms. Liz and Craig's relationship has been four years in the making. They met while attending Seton Hall University in their Christian Spirituality class and, unbeknownst to them, the roots began to grow. Over time they drew closer to one another until they eventually started to date. Marriage was always the end goal [...]


By |2017-08-10T17:31:51+00:00August 10th, 2017|Coffee Talk|

A YEAR IN REVIEW Birthday  | Bye Bye 27, Hello 28 First of all, it was weird to think of “turning 28” as already having completed it. Technically, I’m starting my 29th year now, right? Not that the numbers really matter anymore anyway. Seriously, it was even a feat to remember that it was my birthday in the first place (just ask my close friends), and hence why this post is a little late. There’s been a lot going on for me personally, and thinking of my birthday as another reason to set aside more time to not [...]


By |2017-09-06T17:47:16+00:00August 7th, 2017|Weddings|

KATHERINE & DOM Married  |  David's Country Inn, Hackettstown, NJ Today I am so excited to share Katherine and Dominic’s wedding! These two are high school sweethearts and have been together for years. Their story is the sweetest, and Katherine was sure to add little touches of their journey throughout their wedding day. They met is Chemistry class and struck up a friendship (and a tendency to find themselves in trouble because they would always be talking so much). From the moment they met, I think it’s safe to say that Dom has kept Katherine laughing. She just has to [...]

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