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By |2018-09-04T14:23:18+00:00February 19th, 2018|Engagements|

MICHELE & CHRIS Engaged  |  Newburgh, New York Michele and Chris' love story starts out similar to many, but quickly turns into something unique and unforgettable. The story begins two-fold; first, the matchmakers, in Michele and Chris' case, their mothers. Audra and Angela co-own a company together and has been telling their kids for a while that they would be a great mach and should meet. Naturally, they responded only half convinced that their mother's knew who they were looking for and didn't pursue a relationship for a while later until, finally, Chris decided to make the connection. [...]


By |2017-07-12T14:54:26+00:00July 12th, 2017|Behind the Scenes, Side Projects, Travel, Weddings|

EUROPEAN VACATION 2017 {PART 2} 8 Days Abroad  |  London, UK & Amalfi Italy Now that you've got the low down on London, it's time to fill you guys in on part TWO of our incredibly amazing European escapade this summer. Our venture to Italy was very purposeful - we were witnessing the marriage of our sweet friends! What more amazing place than Amalfi, with its cascading cliffs, royal blue water and perfumed air, would make them most perfect backdrop for a wedding celebration I am not sure. Joe and I knew that this was going to be [...]

LONDON IN THREE DAYS {Travel Photography}

By |2017-07-12T01:25:38+00:00July 6th, 2017|AMP Your Business, Behind the Scenes, Travel|

EUROPEAN VACATION 2017 {PART 1}   8 Days Abroad | London, UK & Amalfi, Italy   Today I am so excited to share about the adventures Joe and I had while overseas visiting London and the Amalfi cost this past week! Both, by the way, for the first time!! I feel like it’s kind of weird that it was our first time, since they are such popular locations, but it was, and it did NOT disappoint. We took off on a flight Sunday evening and, after a typically uncomfortable night of trying to sleep, [...]

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